Explore, create, learn and experiment
When children feel a sense of security and belonging, they will develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. They will also develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. Through hands on exploration, children will develop an understanding of transferring knowledge from one context to another and can adapt what they have learnt to help them resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials.
Our Preschool Program along with all aspects of the Evergreen Curriculum focuses on key elements of Early Literacy and Early Numeracy to assist every child to transition to kindergarten successfully.
Areas covered within the School Readiness Program are based on the ‘Best Start Initiative’:
- Recognise First and Last name
- Write First Name (using NSW foundation handwriting as a guideline)
- Write Last Name (using NSW foundation handwriting as a guideline) this is only introduced when your child is confident with writing their first name
- Recognise alphabet letter names and sounds
- Attempt to write alphabet letters and numbers
A parents guide - Best Start Literacy
- Counting to 20
- Recognise numbers 1 to 20
- Recognise colours and shapes
- Basic addition and subtraction using objects
- Simple repeating patterns and matching numbers to groups
A parents guide - Best Start Numeracy
Our rooms have been carefully thought out featuring Learning Centres that offer a vast array of age appropriate resources which extend on the children’s learning. Our Learning Centre approach aims to challenge your child’s thinking whilst guiding their learning in collaboration with the Evergreen curriculum. The Learning Centres have been designed to promote small group interactions and play experiences.
The children will develop both skills and knowledge as they learn to work together using computers, iPads and educational software. The programs are designed to engage the children in open-ended explorations, through which they will develop early reading skills as they relate words to pictures. The children will also gain the ability to identify and sort objects, learn sequencing and order as they extend on their own personal interest and creativity.
Let’s have fun! This component of our program is delivered with a real hands on approach to learning. The children will enjoy science and mathematical experiences as they learn to observe, predict, estimate and question whilst sharing ideas and knowledge acquired with their friends. The children will also gain an understanding for numeracy concepts such as sorting, classifying, measuring and weighing. Each child will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of fun and exciting science experiments as they attempt to predict what will happen and wait in anticipation as they observe the final outcome to their experiment.