
Learn to respect the environment and cultural diversity
Experiences of relationships and participation in communities contribute to children’s belonging, being and becoming. Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities, and through this they learn to respond to diversity with respect and overtime this transforms the ways they interact with others. Children’s connectedness to what is around them, broadens their ability to become socially responsible by showing respect for the environment and becoming a friend to the environment by caring for plants, places and animals.
Evergreen is a place where everyone belongs, this component of our program focuses and explores different cultures and traditions with a range of planned experiences and resources. Children are encouraged to embrace their home language and heritage as they become aware of connections, similarities and differences between people within our community. We will embrace and respond to children’s expertise, cultural traditions and ways of knowing the multiple languages spoken by some children, and strategies used by children with additional needs to negotiate their everyday lives.
Evergreen is a dedicated member of the NSW Early Childhood Environmental Education Network (NSW ECEEN)and is committed to provide a setting that displays appreciation, respect and care for the natural environment around us. As a part of this program the children and educators will explore new ideas, problem solve and investigate in a group setting.
Some of the topics explored in our bush kinder program are:
- Relationships with living and non-living things
- Recycling within our centre and the local community (dedicated recycling stations are located in each room and outdoor area)
- The importance of upcycling
- Worm farming and composting
- Evergreen's very own chicken coop where children are able to assist with caring for the chickens and collecting eggs that will be used in the kitchen and classroom
- Gardening Club: The children and educators will work together to plant vegetables and herbs in our very own garden. The children will research what types of vegetables and herbs are appropriate to plant dependent on the season as we work together to look after our garden. Produce will be harvested and used in our cooking classes as well as weekly menu
- Developing an awareness of the impact of human activity on environments
- Leadership roles will be established as the children will take turns to ensure their rooms are environmentally friendly. Educators will embed sustainability within the daily routines and practices e.g. taps are turned off, lights are switched off when not required, appropriate left over scraps after mealtimes are placed in the worm farm, any water not consumed during mealtimes is used to water our garden etc.
- Exploring the life cycle of a butterfly, chicken, frogs etc.
- Develop an increased understanding of the interdependence between, land, people, plants and animals
- The Evergreen site has a rain water tank which will be used to water our garden as well as solar panels that will convert sunlight into electricity
- Participation in events such as ‘Plant a Tree Day’, ‘Clean up Australia Day’, ‘World Environment Day’, ‘Earth Hour’ etc.