Have confidence in themselves and to form friendships
Being, belonging and becoming are essential parts of identity. Children build an understanding of this through their own family and community, including their relationships with people, places and things and responses from others. When children feel safe, secure and supported they grow in confidence to explore and learn, as well as being able to develop their emerging autonomy, independence, resilience and sense of agency. They will also develop confident self-knowledge and learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect.
Teaching children how to identify their emotions is one of the most important life skills that can be taught. Children will begin to understand, self-regulate and manage their own emotions, as they learn positive ways to express their feelings and show empathy towards others.
Exploring aspects of role play in a safe environment as children use language and engage in imaginary play to create roles, scripts and ideas. Role play develops creative thinkers in a fun and interactive environment as they learn to cooperate with others whilst developing social skills.
Supporting and assisting every child to achieve key milestones in areas which include Physical, Social, Emotional, Cognitive and Language development. The Evergreen program has been developed to cater for children of all age groups which prepares them for the transitions between rooms (Nursery to Early Learners and Early Learners to Preschool) within our Centre. In addition, preparing the children for their biggest milestone, the transition from preschool to kindergarten.
Our program follows the guiding principles from ‘Bravehearts Inc.’ 'Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure' which is an Educational Program that aims to continue communicating essential personal safety messages and works tirelessly to reach children across Australia.
The Safety programs main content address:
- Yes and No Feelings
- Warning Signs
- Scared and Yucky Feelings
- Private Parts and Privacy
- It’s OK to say NO if you don’t feel safe
- What to do if you feel unsafe or unsure
Evergreen Early Education Centre celebrates ‘White Balloon Day’ by making a donation and participating in a fundraising event to support this worthy cause.
Aims to build awareness and understanding whilst covering topics such as stranger danger, our body, fire awareness, road safety, people in our community who we can trust and rely on e.g. fire fighters, police officers etc.