
Our Curriculum is aimed to recognise and respond to all children’s strengths, abilities and interests.



Our menu meets the daily nutritional requirements as specified for Early Education Centres.



The Centre features large rooms, with smaller numbers of children enrolled in each room to ensure better quality of care is provided to each individual child. We are urging families to secure their child’s placement now to avoid any disappointment.



Open 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year (excluding Public Holidays) We open 7.00am and close at 6.00pm Education and Care for children aged 0 to 6 years old We provide children’s hats, sunscreen, bed linen nappies and wipes. We also assist with toilet training when your child is ready Located close to public transport, local schools and local shops

Why We

Are Different

Evergreen is an approved and registered child care centre under the federal government.



We would love to hear from you!



‘It is our mission to provide a place which allows every child to discover who they are, in a safe and happy environment where everyone belongs. We are committed to delivering the highest level of quality Education and Care with a true passion and difference which is everlasting’

...where everyone belongs

Experience The Difference


Environmental Education Commitment 

We are committed to caring for our planet and contributing to a sustainable future for the next generation. We recognise the importance of our role as educators in shaping the minds and values of young children. As educators it is our mission to instill a sense of environmental responsibility from an early age. We believe in adopting a holistic approach to sustainability ensuring that strategies are embedded in our everyday practice and routines with children. 

At Evergreen, to support children’s awareness and understanding of sustainable living, we encourage: 

  • Engaging children in discussions about sustainable practices 
  • Involving children in the process of reducing, recycling and reusing 
  • Energy and Water saving leadership roles for children 
  • Children learning to care for animals 
  • Worm farming and composting 
  • Gardening and harvesting 
  • Garden to table program where we use Sage grown veggies, fruits and herbs for cooking 
  • Sustainability and recyclable projects 
  • Use of natural materials 

We are here to help raise global citizens and inspire them to respect the earth and its resources, encouraging thoughtful resource use and waste reduction, and ensuring enough resources are left for future generations. We believe in empowering children to lead others in creating a greener future.  


Evergreen is a dedicated member of the NSW Early Childhood Environmental Education Network (NSW ECEEN) and is committed to provide a setting that displays appreciation, respect and care for the natural environment around us. As a part of our Bush Kinder program the children and educators will explore new ideas, problem solve and investigate in a group setting.

Some of the subjects that we will investigate are:

  • Relationships with living and non-living things
  • Recycling within our centre and the local community (dedicated recycling stations are located in each room and outdoor area)
  • The importance of upcycling
  • Worm farming and composting
  • Gardening Club: The children and educators will work together to plant vegetables and herbs in our very own garden. The children will research what types of vegetables and herbs are appropriate to plant dependent on the season as we work together to look after our garden. Produce will be harvested and used in our cooking classes as well as weekly menu
  • Developing an awareness of the impact of human activity on environments
  • Leadership roles will be established as the children will take turns to ensure their rooms are environmentally friendly. Educators will embed sustainability within the daily routines and practices e.g. taps are turned off, lights are switched off when not required, appropriate left over scraps after mealtimes are placed in the worm farm, any water not consumed during mealtimes is used to water our garden etc.
  • Exploring the life cycle of a butterfly, chicken, frogs etc.
  • Develop an increased understanding of the interdependence between, land, people, plants and animals
  • The Evergreen site has a rain water tank which will be used to water our garden
  • Participation in events such as ‘Plant a Tree Day’, ‘Clean up Australia Day’, ‘World Environment Day’, ‘Earth Hour’ etc.

Evergreen's Commitment  to Children's Safety and Wellbeing 

At Evergreen, the safety and wellbeing of children will always be our priority and we believe child safety is everybody’s responsibility. We believe children need to BE safe and FEEL safe to learn, develop and grow. All children are respected at Evergreen and their rights are upheld at all times.

We are committed to developing and implementing policies, procedures, systems and processes to create a child safe environment for children.

Evergreen is committed to preventing child abuse, recognising the signs of abuse, and following our duty of care to all children. We ensure that all staff receive child protection training and maintain their knowledge of child protection processes.

We promote our commitment to the Child Safe Standards and ensure these standards are embedded in our practices.

We are committed to providing and promoting safe environments for all children, which includes conducting ongoing risk assessments and safety checklists and audits to ensure we are providing a safe physical environment for all children in care.

Evergreen is committed to a culturally safe and inclusive environment where we meet the needs of all children including Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander children, children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, and children with additional needs. We aim to create a safe space where all children can feel a sense of belonging.

At Evergreen we are continuously reflecting on our practices and always have children’s safety and wellbeing at the forefront of any ongoing improvements to our service.


Our Vision for each child


We see ‘The Child’ as valued contributors who have agency, rights and limitless potential.

Children have a voice and deserve to be heard and participate in decision making that will make a difference in their world.

We value each child as an individual who functions within communities, daily experiences and interactions that impact on their growing identity, learning and understandings of their world.



